Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I feel literate...

Honestly, ENG 101 is one of the most interesting classes I have taken in my life. I have not only learnt how to write essay in MLA format but I have had so much of fun peer reviewing, revising low graded essays, and sharing my thoghts with class through blog posting. Blog assignments are really interesting.

After being in the class for couple of months, I feel literate in using blackboard, communicate with my friends in blog, writing essays in MLA format etc.

Previously when I was in my country and even when I was in college from Alabama, I didn't use internet as much as I do right now. But I still find myself confused when its the matter of finding articles and books online. Thats the are I would like to learn more so that I can have good knowledge from different sources and get good grades in all the courses.